Customer Story

"We wanted to transform our customers' user experience. It went from just flipping through product manuals to having a video that is accessible anytime! This makes the user experience much more interactive"

Ben Leddusire

Warranty and Technical Support Lead


Alta Cycling Group is a manufacturer and distributor of premium bicycles, bikes, and accessories. They provide the top quality bikes for their customers.


Kent, Washington, USA


Bike & Bike Equipment

Key features used

Assembling VideosRating

How does Alta Cycling Group use Layerise to speed up the process of assembling bikes through a quick scan?

Alta Cycling Group is a US-based bike manufacturing company committed to constant innovation. Their cutting-edge technology has repeatedly proven that they provide the best experience for their customers.

They are known for manufacturing and distributing premium bicycles, bikes, and accessories. In addition, the company produces and sells mountain & road bikes, BMX cycles, and e-bikes for customers to make their rides smoother and an enriching experience.

We recently met Ben Leddusire, Warranty, and Technical Support Lead at Alta Cycling Group, to chat about how Layerise made a difference in their after-sales journey.

Why did Alta Cycling Group need a different after-sales experience?

"Bikes are complicated when building them, and a lot can go wrong. Alta Cycling Group needs to get the information into the customer's hands as easily as possible. We need this to ensure that building up a complicated product goes smoothly. That is the reason why we needed a different after-sales experience."

Why Layerise?

"With Layerise, we achieve what we couldn't before. Our main thing is to help our customers understand how to build the cycle and get the instructions in front of the consumer. This was a bit tricky with the product manuals. We want to make that process a little smoother for them. So that we don't have problems down the road with the broken parts and that sort of thing. That's the main reason for using Layerise."

"Layerise has definitely been a preventative approach for us. We are trying to ensure that these products are built right from the beginning. So, our number one priority is that the riders are safe. Number two would be that the product holds together the way it should."

"In addition, we wanted to make the experience a little bit more innovative. We wanted to bring in a more modern approach to do this. We wanted to transform our customers' user experience. It went from just flipping through a product manual to having a video that is accessible anytime! This makes the user experience much more interactive."

How would you describe your new after-sales solution?

"The main thing about our after-sales experience is the assembly videos. That's been our main challenge before. Layerise allows the customer to have a quick scan to get information about their bike, the specifications of the bike, the geometry, and the unique parts of that bike. It just speeds up the process of setting up the cycle and using it."

Key Features:

  • Assembly Videos

  • FAQs

  • Setup Videos and Guides

  • Specifications

  • Geometry

Which results have been achieved?

"We're thrilled with customer adoption and the valuable data we've gathered. This unprecedented level of insight, especially from working with retailers nationwide, allows us to enhance customer experiences. Our support team has noticed a significant drop in setup and parts questions, as customers now find it much easier to get answers through our online assistant instead of the printed manual, website, or calls."

Other customer stories

"We improved our after-sales experience while avoiding 15,000 printed manuals. We’ll never go back to not using Layerise"

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"The ability to search for an article with keywords instead of the exact title was the game changer for us. This motivated us extensively to choose Layerise. It makes a huge difference for our end users."

Tanner Coombs

Mysa Smart Thermostats

"We wanted to transform our customers' user experience. It went from just flipping through product manuals to having a video that is accessible anytime! This makes the user experience much more interactive"

Ben Leddusire

Alta Cycling Group